NO.28_ "Complete backup of sharp turns. HEAD EIGHT BOA" by RED'S (Osaka) Owner, Mr. Okuda

RED'S (Osaka) Owner, Mr. Okuda 
Photo: Tonko Takahashi

"Carving is all the rage these days. Even our customers have become interested in people who haven't said" carving, carving "until now, and tricks during banked slalom and free runs. Rantry that sends out is also popular.The flex is stiff to fit such slips, and the EIGHT BOA can be tightened freely and can handle severe operations with plenty of room.It is as good as a powerful board such as a hammer head, and its quick response at high speeds is attractive.Of course, freestyle movements are fine.When I want to put out a style, I loosen the tightening a little.Still, the fit is good, so the heel does not shift.In addition, the inner length is also high, and since the fulcrum is at a high position, you can easily bite the edge on the snow surface with a little force, and you will not get tired even when you run a long distance.I also like the fact that the lower is BOA and the upper is easily fastened with two power belts. "

★ Size: 23-31.5 cm
★ Color: BLACK
★ Price: 58,000 yen

The lower can be fitted with BOA, and the upper is tightened with two power belts.This enables quick and easy sorting.
Compared to the FOUR BOA in the back of the photo, it is obvious that the inner is longer than the outer.Thanks to this tall inner, you can easily edging with less force.