Michigan training camp ends

Safely, the Michigan training camp has ended today.

It wasn't that long, two weeks, but I was able to practice well ♪

I'm glad I finished safely without any major injuries.

It's been a little over two weeks until the Olympics, but I'll take good care of it day by day and make adjustments. ↑↑↑

Photo, trainer Mr. Shimazaki

Thank you very much to Mr. Shimazaki this time as well.

I had them take care of me every day, and thanks to Mr. Shimazaki, I was able to attack and skate ♪

I'm really thankful to you.

I look forward to working with you during the Olympics.

Photo, Lana

At this training camp, there was only one person from the beginning to the end.

Lana was really enthusiastic about practicing and slipped into this training camp.

I also slipped in the second half.

Olympic girls should pay attention to Lana's slip ♪

Photo, Kohei, Shimazaki-san, Watatani-san

After skiing yesterday, we all went bowling ☆

It was a good break because I slid firmly all the time.

Even so, Mr. Shimazaki was very good at it ♪

Photo, Lana, Mr. Haribe, I

This time, Lana, Mr. Haribe, my team vs. Kohei, Mr. Shimazaki, and Mr. Watatani will play.

I was pretty confident in bowling, but I lost the result ↓ ↓ ↓

I was really disappointed.

Let's practice when we return to Japan (laughs)

At the end, everyone took a commemorative photo ☆

I will fly back to Japan tomorrow.

Before I go back to Japan, I'm looking forward to it.

One hour later, the X-GAME final will begin.

I'm expecting a bad slip ♪