short film

A short movie of episode 2 of Masai has been released

In my teens and early twenties, I went to the tournament to get my name.
If you leave a result, sponsors, friends, family, etc. will be pleased
I will be happy too
But if it's the snowboard that I really wanted to do, it's not.
Freestyle snowboarding on natural terrain
This is the snowboard I want to express the most
It's been 5 years since I left the snowboarding contest scene
I have been indebted to Tenjindaira for 3 seasons and have been skiing in the local mountains for 2 years.
I'm doing it with the hope that everyone will see it by leaving it in the form of images or photographs.
Although there are still immature parts as a snowboard, it became a short movie as an episode
Please see it