Snowboard session event "YUDONO SAN YUKIITA CIRCUS 2021"

LADE allows you to customize your own beanie by choosing specifications such as type, pattern, color and material according to the field and style that the slipper likes.Yamagata, which LADE is currently based on, held a snowboard session event "YUDONOSAN YUKIITA CIRCUS 5" with Atsushi Gomei on May 15th and 16th at the beech forest of Mt. Yudono.
photo: Keiichiro Natsume

The event was previously held in Gassan, but this year the venue will be moved to Mt. Yudono, and with the cooperation of the Topography Study Group led by Goro Komatsu and POW JAPAN, it will be newly powered up. It was.
In the beautiful and comfortable fresh green beech forest in mid-May, men and women of all ages held a hot session with a snowboard in their hands.
Above all, the breakthrough of the new generation was shining.In particular, Mutsuho Natsume (1 years old) won the free session on the first day and the slalom time race on the second day, beating adults.The event, which attracted a large number of participants and was quite lively, was a success this year as well.

It is said that this event, which was held for the 8th time this time, will continue to hold a session event to play with snowboards using the remaining snow of Mt. Gassan and Mt. Yudono in Yamagata.
The organizer commented, "I hope that the course will be created in a comfortable fresh green beech forest without using heavy machinery, and that the amount of snow that will decrease year by year through the holding of the event will help people think about the natural environment."

A short movie that summarizes the state of such an event has been uploaded, so please check it out.