"Thoughts put into the footbed"

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The footbed (canted footbed with G-cell impact absorption and wrapped base buffer) used in sLAB.one is
G-cell cushion with excellent shock absorption is deployed on the heel
Supports hard riding.
In addition, a hard rubber material with grooves is used to improve the grip of the boots in the part that is stretched so that it can be grasped with the fingertips, and the performance is not missed.
The best feature is that the cant is included so that the outside of the foot is slightly higher.
Increases outward response and guides the center of gravity to the center
It is easy to keep the body axis stable and has the effect of improving recovery ability.
The thumb part is also a little high, and the rider's power is quickly reacted and transmitted.
The finish is designed to maximize the rider's performance.

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BC ONE footbed used in Brotherhood

Mainly uses EVA, which acts as a buffer with some canting.
G-CELL cushions (lower than those used in sLAB and with moderate shock absorption) are deployed on the heels.
A rubber pad is used on the toes to improve grip.

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The footbed (EVA footbed) used in the core is
The entire sole of the foot is protected by an EVA pad and set flat.
A model that values ​​a simple and natural feeling
The specifications are ideal for cruising basic riding and snowboarding.


According to the speed range, impact degree, and riding style of each model

It can be seen that each is adjusted.

Let's choose according to the characteristics of slipping.


High speed, hard riding, hard jump, carving


Jibing, gratri, powder, terrain play, style


Basic riding, jumping (general park on the slopes)