愛用するフランス製のペーパーにシルクスクリーン印刷を施した 描き下ろしポスター 約32cm×48cm(12.5×19inch)のサイン入り ニュースで震災の映像を見た時、私の心は打ち砕かれました。なぜなら日本は私にとって多くの友達が居る場所でもあり、ひと夏を過ごした大切な場所だからです。それからすぐに私はその気持ちを書き留めるために日記を書き始め、テレビで船や人々が被害にあった様子を見た直後に今作品を描きました。 A silkscreened print on french paper.
printed and hand signed by me, Ty Williams.
Size: 12 1/2 x 19 inch
When I saw the images on the news of the disaster in Japan, it broke my heart, because I have such close friends there and lived there for one summer. I immediately began to draw in my journal to try and express how I felt about what was happening. The piece that I have donated was the first thing I drew after seeing the images on the television of the boats and people everywhere. The images in the piece symbolize Japan as a "sister home" to my home in the USA, and that is why I incorporated a young girls hair making the wave. I also put a sailboat as I know that boating and being in the ocean is something I share with Japanese people. Just because this terrible thing happened I have faith and hope for the people of Japan. |
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