I was born in Sendai city, Japan. I worked as a surfing photographer belonged exclusively to Marine Planning Company, Japan (MPC). After I left this company, I was active as a freelance photographer and established Yuji Matsumoto Studio. In those days I started taking portrait photograph and then extended my photography to talent album, advertisement and CD jacket and etc. And also, I released my own very special surfing compilation "KAM.HAY". These days I'm sharpening my hands on Movies. |
初めてサーフィンを始めたのが仙台新港。そこで4年間、その後は福島の右田浜で1年 を過ごしたました。上京後、サーフィンカメラマンとして活動しましたが、そんな僕に とって東北の海は思い出が一杯ですし友人も沢山います。釜石で被災に合ったK'SURFの 杉本プロは、福島時代にカメラマンのNAKIやプロサーファーの徳田達と一緒に夢を追い かけて貧乏生活した仲間です。その杉本はショップを津波に流されました。仙台の友人、福島の友人も大勢被害にあっています。サーファーだけじゃありません。
何万人の人が亡くなり、行方不明になっています。地元のあんな姿を毎日テレビで見て いると辛いです......でも被災にあわれた人はもっと辛いでしょう......考えただけで涙が止 まりません。今回、よく『絆』と言う言葉を目にします、僕も辛い時にこの『絆』を考 え乗り気ろうと思っています。東北の被災にあわれた方々、今は辛いでしょう思い切り 泣いてください。辛い時は涙が涸れるまで泣いてください。泣けるだけ泣いたら、今度 は亡くなった人達のためにも、又、笑って生活できる町を皆で作りましょう。今、世界中の人たちがあなた達を応援しようとしてます。世界中の『絆』を心に........
It was Sendai Newport where I started surfing for the first time. I lived there for another wonderful 4 years and then, for 1year in Migitahama of Fukushima. After I moved to Tokyo, I was active as a surfing photographer. For me, a surfing photographer, there are millions of sweet memories and a plenty of good friends in Tohoku coast area. Mr. Sugimoto, a professional photographer of K'SURF, suffered at Kamaishi city is one of my buddies who had shared our joys and sorrows at Fukushima. We had been chasing our dream of a wonderful life, together with another photographer NAKI and Mr. Tokuda, a professional surfer. But, Mr. Sugimoto's Surf shop was washed away by tsunami. This disaster was not only affected my friends from Sendai and Fukushima, but also did the worst for a lots of other people. Even not only surfers, tens of thousands of people have died and have been still missing. For myself, it is very painful to see these terrible scenes over TV news every day. It will be million times awful to sufferers…..I was running into tears all ways long. I often see the word "Bonds" in the news media. I feel that it can only help us to recover. I know that it is very sorrowful times for all of you and you may be in tears now. Please do not hesitate to shed tears even in public. But, please let me ask you all to be together and rebuild your joyful home towns for victims after you dried your tears. Now the whole world is united and supporting all of you. World, Global "Bonds" in our hearts now and forever …. |