We like STEEP

Kia Ora

It seems that it will snow somewhere in the streets!And

How many centimeters over there!And

I'm fidgeting,

not yet.

Yesterday I thought I'd go rock climbing, but I spent MTB + rock climbing.

I wish I had another shot.

I seem to be a spender because I am free to go abroad and live by doing what I like, but I am not so aware of it,

Sometimes I'm not so satisfied with my snowboard income

Sash shop at the construction site

It's been four or five years since I started working as a craftsman in spring and autumn.

The world of craftsmen is a different dimension, so it is an interesting experience to come into contact with such a society.

Painting, formwork carpentry, civil engineering, landscaping, etc. 
The sash shop is quite addicted to it.

I also want to be a carpenter.

I will build my own house soon!Typical

However, the work of that hand is crazy for the body!

At first I thought it would be nice to be a muscle trainer,

I noticed that the muscles I used were different, and now I'm doing core training.

Mainly to strengthen the waist, and back pain is the direction of signing.

I would like to introduce the sash shop and core training later.Is the sash shop good? ..

This time is a continuation of the previous one ...

It's a club field trip story that will open the road and will be the least crowded, Temple Basin.

This is a distant place no matter where you come from.

By the way, XNUMX hours from Methven.If you get used to driving, it will take two and a half hours.

From there, just lift the luggage up with the goods lift, and we hike!

Mr. U39 (REPLANT), who handles all of Hakuba's XNUMX major elements of B-BOY, is the label "Endekashi". (Meaning to walk.)

XNUMX-XNUMX minutes hike.

Climb very much.

By the way, Frodo Baggins was walking here in the movie Lord Of The Rings. ..

Kia Ora

Kea is a bird like a parrot, a crow-like existence (?!) In this mountain.

Kia Ora!

Oh, from here too.

Hey, don't get too close,

The beak, legs, and body are scary.

The condition is perfect.

I got a lift ticket, but there are only two rope tows, but one is out of order and it is open only for hikes. ..

what is that? 


But this is such a place.

After all, the only place I want to go is to walk, so it doesn't really matter.

This is the peak that can be seen from the bottom on the right front.

I forgot the name.

The start of the line you want to slip is around the center of the photo of this ridge. ..

On the other side.

Can you go? ??


It's really dangerous.

If it falls, or nothing.


I can't see it below. ..

If you say slurping, ... or pear.

Walk seriously. ..

It would have been easy to understand if the camera was a fisheye, but I can't take this step ...

It's a step in the stride, and if you get caught in the rock, it's safe.

However, both side cho cliffs.Gake.

I thought I didn't want to die today.


The drop point of the line I want to go to is XNUMX or XNUMX meters ahead.

Super steep! !! !!

Mr. XNUMX got off the road and climbed. ..

Photo for the time being.

After all, when I was at a loss, Mr. XNUMX said, "I wonder if I should go for a while. .. 』\

I came out earlier. ..

I was seriously falling, or pear, so I watched closely. ..

Cross in a ninja step with an ultra-low posture. ..

After that, straddle the knife edge all the time, slide and slide.Moreover, it goes down.

He often went ahead with things like that life or death. ..

Other than Mr. XNUMX, I could only think of Mikey (Bassic).

As expected, a Tobi craftsman from his teens. ..

I came here from the left of the ridge in the photo.

I've done a lot of dangerous hikes so far, but it's definitely the most dangerous time.

I came a little too far and backed XNUMXm.

I didn't understand because it was too urgent.

I didn't die.It was good.I was able to realize that I was alive.