Exchange meeting with STONP riders in France

Apparently, all three seemed to be living happily in France for the first time.

It was relatively close to our house, so

We all go out to play. .. ..

I've known everyone before, but

This is the first time I have talked properly.

The impression is that Kazu is a polite and slightly erosive alien.

Kotaro is a real rare natural boy.

Yusaku is a very gentleman and gentleman. .. ..Because

According to Kazu, Yusaku is the most erosive person. .. ..

I would like to believe that it is not. .. ..

Before, if you had a sushi party at our condo,

In return, he treated me with French cuisine!

All the girls are overjoyed ♪

Kazu-kun was earning the best trick award and prize money.

It was a treat for everyone.

Thank you!

French ham and salami are the best.

It's so delicious that it doesn't stop. .. ..Lol

It was a really nice dinner ☆

I was very happy to have good memories!

Kazu-kun, it was a treat! !! !!