Snowboarder catalog issue!

It has been released!

"Snowboarder" catalog issue!

There is a sword on the cover!Lol

I have a binding, SP-united page and

I have a comment posted on the head boots page ♪

head Next season's ladies' boots ~

It has a double bore and can be tightened separately from the ankle to the bottom and the sneak part.
This is really in good shape
It ’s very familiar from the moment you wear it realistically.
It was a substitute that allowed me to concentrate on slipping without feeling any discomfort at first.

And after all, it ’s black in me and it ’s cool.
I like this stylish design.

I think that the goodness of the board was conveyed even during the season,
The goodness of the boots is that the pants of the wear are rolled up
There are times when it's hard to say, "This is awesome!"Lol

So I'll just introduce it here.

Seriously! !!

Originally, head boots with many hidden fans and repeaters.
Please check it out ♪

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