

Shooting Tour

Shooting continues until midnight every day, and after returning to the inn, I check the data, take a nap and leave for the next shooting.In every day.It has been raining since morning today, and while waiting for the weather, I ended up enjoying skating for XNUMX hours.
Suddenly the lamp went out, so I went to say, "I'm sorry, the electricity went out." .. ..A birthday that I completely forgot. ,, to a surprise by friends. .. "I'm not crying. I'm sweating, I'm sweating."
There was an environment where I could forget my birthday and shoot, and above all, I was skating oni from the morning. UG., Which is celebrating its XNUMXth year, has really nice friends (family) all over the world.
This is where I live now.
Thank you everyone! (Tears) Let's continue to have fun together!

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