Marunuma Kogen Ski Resort opened on December 12th (*There are two videos!!)

2022/12/6The long-awaited Marunuma Kogen Ski Resort has opened!

I, Itaru Fujinuma & Self-Proclaimed No. 1 Snowboarder Comedian Iwa-chan

We have taken the first shot of the hilarious snowboarding story "RIDE FOR A SMILE"!

The guest this time is Mr. Yoshimasa Arai AKA Daze of SIMS SNOWBOARDS, the snow bank representative who successfully held the 12th Tokyo Snow Festival Snow Bank at Yoyogi Park last month and will hold a live event "THE BANK" in Osaka on March 3th! !

Ski slope check with this member, something is sure to happen, right?Who's up?

I'll wake up w

Chigira-san was very helpful in both Yoyogi and Marunuma this time!thank you very much~!

Click here for the slope report-like video that Toru made!

Take a closer look at Marunuma Kogen on the opening day!


Oh my God! ?Iwa-chan also took a video!And it's released on the same day!

Daze-kun, who has successfully completed this year's snow bank, has already...



There are plenty of other places to see!




The 22nd and 23rd seasons of the two, who are moving at an unprecedented pace, are about to begin!

by the way! ?Two people were talking during the work

2023/1/8 at Alts Bandai Ski Resort

RIDE FOR A SMILE snowboard Camp will be held! ! ! …It seems that \(^o^)c\(^o^)c

Detail is?

Please wait for a while! !



Photography cooperation: Marunuma Kogen Ski Resort

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Snowbank Instagram…

Appearance rider Arai “DAZE” Yoshimasa Instagram

Iwata Instagram

Marunuma opening day video released by Iwa-chan “Explosive speed slope report.

2022 Snowbank video made by Iwa-chan "Snowboarding at Yoyogi Park! SNOWBANK2022 Report"

Click here for Snowbank article written by Itaru…