MammothMountain 1st day !!!!到着して1日目のライディングの様子をUP!!!!!!!!!!HolyBowlyも開催してて面白かったですね〜〜!!春はスキー場で楽しむのが最高っす!!笑カメラマン柳田の滑りも進化中!!??定期配信も怒涛の追い上げじゃ〜〜!!残り6本!!!!

UP the state of riding on the first day at Mammoth Mountain !!!!!!!!!!
It was fun to hold Holy Bowly too! !!
It's best to enjoy it at the ski resort in spring! !!Lol
Cameraman Yanagita's slip is also evolving! !! ?? ??

Regular delivery is also catching up with angry waves ~ ~! !!XNUMX remaining! !! !! !!