JIB 3BT shape + low camber + soft flex.Introducing an original board that gives a new impact to the Japanese gratri scene ~ Bataleon / DISASTER SE

While the Japanese gratri scene is booming, not only domestic but also overseas brands are beginning to introduce powerful models for gratri.Among the many Gratley models, the one with the highest expectations this season is the "DISASTER SE" introduced here. Speaking of Bataleon, a popular brand that continues to send out excellent boards that provide the latest riding feeling with an innovative shape, led by triple base technology called "3BT ™". "The board is constantly changing its shape according to the power and terrain transmitted by the rider. It is not just a flat board while riding." Bataleon focused on that, at the moment of carving, How does the board deform at the moment the terrain changes and how does it affect the rider?While setting the state when force is applied to the board from the outside as the core of the design work, we continue to create a 3BT ™ structure that matches the riding style.
The 3BT ™ shape uses camber bends from the nose to the tail.The structure is such that both sides of the sole, which is the widest part of the board, rise from the contact point with the snow surface.By adding SideKick ™ to this, the sole is shaped like the bottom of a ship, and you can slide without unnecessary resistance.The three-dimensional board shape reliably captures all snow surface conditions and responds quickly and more naturally to the rider's intentions.
The new DISASTER SE is a Japanese-only model of DISASTER that has dominated the jibboard category for many years in the Bataleon lineup.This is a special edition that has been updated with a thorough enhancement of Gratley performance.The shape of the low camber makes it the softest flex in the lineup.The proven JIB 3BT ™ shape is
Since the center base of the sole is set to be the widest in the lineup, the nose and tail surfaces are wide and easy to use, the press operation is stable, and the trick can be activated stably.Furthermore, although it is a soft flex, it produces a sufficient repulsive force, which leads to skillful board handling. Bataleon's state-of-the-art 3BT ™ shape will do a great job in the Gratley scene, opening up new possibilities for tricks.
And another attraction of this board is the graphic of Icarus drawn on the deck.Icarus is often used in the art that symbolizes the legendary rock band LED ZEPPELIN.Respecting them and introducing an inspiring design.At the same time, the Icarus myth is connected to the snowboard, and the message to the rider is to keep track of his feelings for freedom and desire, and he has a strong presence with a symmetrical design that makes use of the twin shape.
Innovative shape and structure, unique design, it will surely be one that will make the Gratley scene of this season very hot.If you want to experience the latest snowboarding, Bataleon's snowboarding is the way to go.

SIZE: 148, 151, 154
PRICE: ¥ 64,000
Based on the profile of low camber, it is equipped with SideKic K ™ unique to 3BT ™ shape.Adjusted to make the nose and tail sides easier to use to thoroughly attack the gratri and jib

The soft flex condition of DISASTER SE, which appears only in Japan, is the number one in the lineup.This flexibility and tenacity make it easier to perform various stylish tricks.

"Icarus in the deck graphic is a mythical boy who tried to escape from Crete with his father Daedalus. He was so absorbed in flying with his father's wings and wax wings that he flew high near the sun. That melts my wings and crashes, which reminds me of jumping up and getting hurt. When I'm flying around in the mountains on a snowboard, sometimes the same thing happens. I'm too enthusiastic. It's a crash, but it's a snowboard. The most famous art using Icarus is the legendary rock band LED ZEPPELIN. Inspired by their band, the word "BATALEON" drawn on the sole while paying homage to them. The design is perfect. The board is a perfect twin shape, so I want to make it a symmetrical art, the tip and tail are mirror-symmetrical. And the cross in the center emphasizes this. Icarus myth can be more than a creation. That's true, but I personally think you shouldn't give up dreaming of flying. "
> Creative Director / Danny Keybelt

Click here for information on the latest Bataleon lineup