Jackson hole

The journey has begun again!

Shane picks me up at the Salt Lake City airport, sleeping and reading books for three hours at the airport until evening.Or it seems that Japan is quite interested in checking the weather forecast of Japan on wifi.

Shane came again this year. It seems that he slipped on Brighton.

Brighton ,, There are a lot of famous riders.I want to go, but this time again, I went to Jackson Hole, which I'm most addicted to.

Ryan, who always calls me to Jackson, and Josh, who also patrols Jackson, who also guided me with an Alaska rendezvous helicopter, toast at the bar for the time being. 

Jackson area after a long absence

It's not as fluffy today, but the environment at an altitude of XNUMX-XNUMXm is good.

Before coming, Nagano was a buff buff that contained water, but suddenly it was light and light, and Jackson's powder was different.

Snow, terrain, and all the environments in NZ, Japan, North America, and Europe are completely different, so it's good to be fresh.

After skiing on the secret line of a small ski resort called snow king, which is the mountain behind Shane and Shane, the next day, I immediately skied on the mobile.

Well, after all it's not dangerous here.

When I follow Ryan, it's fun because it's all dangerous, but it's not dangerous.

The avalanche is not dangerous at all.It's cold, steep, full of cliffs, and prone to snowfall.I use my head for a minute, and I feel a lot of tension.

So it's fun.



Big but recent favorite