Yesterday, I went to Tomamu to shoot HOW TO of Transworld ♪

The faces are Kohei, Fumio, and me.

Before XNUMX am, I headed to Tomamu with Fumio, but I was worried that I could pipe Fumio all the time by car (laughs).

And when I entered the pipe, I had a hard time (laughs)

But it was fun because I had a pipe session with Fumio for the first time in a long time ♪

Photo, Fumio, Kohei, I

Before returning, take a commemorative photo with three people ♪

Today, Kohei helped me a lot.

Thank you for doing a lot of difficult techniques ☆

Photo, Fumio

In the middle of open XNUMX.

I still have no sense of camera I ↓ ↓ ↓

Photo, Kohei

This is a backside indie, but I took it just before landing (laughs)

Nakai took off to Canada the day before yesterday.

I'm expecting to leave a good image ↑↑↑

Later, Kohei recently uploaded a pretty interesting video that was defeated by Kazu, so check it out ♪