Fall Line 2013

Kia Ora


It's a bungee made on Kea's Rock by Mt.hutt.

I'm not doing it.

Skiers used to fly this cliff and fly with a board burn, but it's safe!It is a cliff approaching from a parking lot with a great flat landing.

It's a pleasant ski resort where you can ski in this scenery. ..

Christchurch is in spring and the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

I feel the arrival of spring twice a year.

The flowers in the photo were in bloom at someone's house.

The record shop, which had three stores, became one after the earthquake.

And everyone is already in the MP3 era, so you can't sell record CDs ...
That's why the owner has stopped putting in some new songs.

Hmmm. ..

But it opened again, Arigatou

When it's wonderful, it's snowing ...


270 in a friend's wedding

I can't finish summer without eating it Z !!!!
Baking moroko

A phone call comes in from the master of the field work! (◎ _ ◎;)

MTB soccer, skating, gardening ...

I've been tuning in Japan right away ~

October issue of Transworld

He did a short interview-like XNUMX pages called FOCUS.

The photos you like are also used, so be sure to check them out. .. ..

The October issue of US Trance (TWSU.S) also featured a photo in the article LEARNING TO FLY IN HAKUBA.I'm a little happy.

And in FALL LINE 2013 (one volume a year !!), WHC articles and

Get a photo of En-chan, spread! !!So please check it out as well!

to be continued