Words for Mike Basic --241 X SBN Vol.1 –

The moment I shook hands with him for the first time, I felt, "Hmm?A rustic mobile home with galvanized iron, a self-made lift, and a small cabin that can be strapped in from the front door.He created everything with his own hands, so I imagined that "of course, the palms would be rugged."

Mike Basic. One of the pioneers of freestyle snowboarding who has made a name for himself in numerous contests since the late XNUMX's and has been on the shoulders with Bryan Iguchi, Terrier Harkansen, Jeff Brassie and others in the XNUMX's.With his imagination and original style, he fascinated all the viewers.In addition, his unique style is not limited to snowboarding, but extends to his lifestyle, including images, photographs, and outerwear.

Also, his imagination in snowboarding never stops, and his overflowing creativity permeates the world of video and photography.Nowadays, compact cameras such as GoPro are on the market, and self-shooting accessories such as "selfie sticks" are also abundant.But many don't know that Mike has been a pioneer in self-shooting long before it was born.

Even if you look for words that suit Mike, such as "original," "unique," and "revolutionary," none of them fits perfectly.The only thing that can be said clearly.That's because the word "mainstream" doesn't suit him.What does that mean? In February 241, Mike came to Japan in search of a powder field.As a snowboarder and as a craftsman.I have a lot to ask him.I'm going to approach Mike Basic and AREA XNUMX where his world is tightly packed.

Edited by Kenji Kato