We are at Washigatake

I'm in the eagle from yesterday

Unfortunately, yesterday I had a little poor visibility due to gas and snow, but it was interesting.

The current eagle item is

4m wide box?
10m?Flat down box
2m kicker
5m box
10m box
3m kicker


Now it feels like anyone can enjoy it comfortably.

It seems that advanced items need a little more snow. ..

At the beginning of the season, come and play with your feet.

So, we're going to shoot the first shot of the season from now on.

I wonder if the slopes will go from noon

It will work!

I'm coming ★

People in Kanto are Ikenodaira!
People in Kansai are up Kaminabe!
The people of Tokai are Mt. Washigatake!

Please go

kazushige fujita