Looking for instructors!

Hakuba Iwatake Snowboard School is looking for instructors, examiners, assistants, and reception staff.

<Job type>
Full-time snowboard instructor
Part-time instructor
Snowboard instructor trainee
Reception staff

Men and women over 18 years old
JSBA C-class instructor and above
(Trainees and reception staff can be without qualifications)

<Number of applicants>
7 instructors

2004 year 12 month 15 day to 2005 year 4 month 2 day

<Salary, treatment>
According to school regulations (depending on experience, qualifications, working conditions)
 Wear rental
 Lift pass loan
 Training system available
 Dormitory complete
<How to apply>
Resume, motivation, your motivation, etc. to the address below
Please enclose it in A4 paper and send it.

3725-1 Chikuniotsu, Otari-mura, Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture
  Tadashi Chahara