Kitokito ♥ ︎

Mostly.I'm a big gorilla

This is because Toyama's time and rice are delicious! !! !! !! !!

Hi, my name is Asami Hirono and I'm a girl.

Yeah? ??Does it mean that it's fresh and fluffy? w


Toyama LOVE everyone and Izakaya ♥ ︎

Toyama has clean and delicious water, so sake is also available
I'm good ♥ ︎
Tateyama is sweet and the only sake I can drink.


And Shirako.

Raw milt! !! !!It didn't smell fishy at all.It was true.

In the back of the photo is Erika Fujiwara, who is aiming for Shirako.

Shirako Hunter Eri? w

Shirako's tempura is also good ♥ ︎


Sashimi too.I'm good at it.

It melts.

Speaking of Toyama, it's yellowtail! ?? !! ??


I ♥ ︎ Brikama

It ’s really good, it ’s too good.


The last is fried white shrimp ♥ ︎

I'm not sure, but I had a white shrimp impersonator.

After that, of course, masuzushi
Eelpouts, Chionoecetes japonicus,
If you do something other than fish
Himi udon, the meat of Isono, and the god.

The famous black ramen
It's too salty and I can't recommend it (´ ・ Д ・) "lol

With a feeling
I couldn't lose weight at all if I was in Toyama lol

As mentioned above, I was proud of Toyama's delicious food!Take a rest ~ ♥ ︎