I'm home! !! !! !! !! !! !!

The season ended safely, and I returned to Japan a few days ago and came back to my hometown! !!
No injuries or illnesses this year! !!
And I had the best season! !!
Thank you to everyone who supported us! !!
It started from the start of the lonely season in December, but it was a fulfilling day with the help of many people in the area and the connections! !!
Every day I felt that I wasn't alive, but that I was alive.

Also, the last month was particularly rich! !!
Thank you for watching the one month challenge! !!
And I'm relieved when it's over! !!

I also cut my hair! !!
I don't have time to vacate
Preparations for next year are about to begin! !!
Various changes are likely to occur ~ ~