From now

I came back from TNF's jackson hole shooting and came to Harucho.
Hull was 6 years old just when he came back!
happy Birthday! !!I look forward to working with you ^ _ ^


Then I returned to my base, Niseko Anne Pre-Powder Company.
Jacksonhole is good, but Niseko's snow is good too.
Guiding the son of legend on this day! !!
I usually know that I ride with T-kun, who is a skier, and T-kun, who is a classmate.
After all, I grew up in a snowy mountain and have guts and I like snow, so after all, from morning to night games ...
It seems that skiing T-kun is getting more fun with snowboarding, so I'm looking forward to it. .. ..

I remembered the appearance of our "7 Men Samurai" when we were little.
Sessions with children are great because they make me feel fresh!