Sapporo Teine / A pleasant turn has been released ~

I'm Okaken, the slope director.

The second installment of this season is Hokkaido! !!Introducing Sapporo Teine!


Sapporo Teine is a historic ski resort that also became the venue for the Sapporo Olympics.Hirota Teppei & Yo Amagai from the Down Chill Crew who has been active in the ski resort in Hokkaido and recently released a popular DVD! !!

% e3% 81% a6% e3% 81% 84% e3% 81% ad% ef% bc% 95I will line up for the lift from the morning. The two of them chatted with Mr. Miya, a trial who also runs a pro shop in Teine Local, which was lined up earlier.


% e3% 81% a6% e3% 81% 84% e3% 81% ad4The sun came out even in the snowy weather from the morning.Situations that raise tension!


% e3% 81% a6% e3% 81% 84% e3% 81% adCruising the first city view cruise while having the first handed over to the locals.The surface of the open barn, which has been beautifully compressed with snow, is supposed to have a little snow, and it feels good while feeling the swell!


Hit the wall Yo Amagai

Next is the natural course.The wall continues.However, since it is a zigzag course, you cannot use the terrain well unless you speed up on a curve.How to turn there seems to be the key to enjoying this course.

% e3% 81% a6% e3% 81% 84% e3% 81% ad% ef% bc% 98
Natural course, low posture and speed Teppei Hirota


Teine is divided into the Highland Zone and the Olympia Zone.The course I just introduced is the Highland Zone.A variety of courses including steep slopes are attractive.The Olympia zone was a course with many relatively gentle slopes.And we also went to the Olympia zone.

% e3% 81% a6% e3% 81% 84% e3% 81% adThe scenery is also beautiful here.


% e3% 81% a6% e3% 81% 84% e3% 81% ad% ef% bc% 92% e3% 81% a6% e3% 81% 84% e3% 81% ad% ef% bc% 93Apply powder on the torch stand ocean cruise course and stream course.It's been a while since it opened, but the walls were no-track.The breathtaking application that I usually skate with, and the riding in the duo also fascinated me.

% e3% 81% a6% e3% 81% 84% e3% 81% ad% ef% bc% 99Shirakaba Sunrise.

% e3% 81% a6% e3% 81% 84% e3% 81% ad% ef% bc% 96It wasn't snow-packed.The swell was amazing here.I wanted to slip a few more!

% e3% 81% a6% e3% 81% 84% e3% 81% ad7Finally, slide the beginners cross, which consists of waves and banks.


Sapporo Teine has many courses that I haven't been able to introduce yet.As expected, it was a big resort ski resort with a gondola.It was the most enjoyable day for both of the down chill crews to shoot for the first time in a long time! !!


It's already open this season!Let's go to Sapporo Teine!


And the homepage of the down chill crew who participated this time isplease use this form.from.It attracts a pleasant turn in both summer and winter.The video below is a preview of their NEW DVD.It is said that you can see the commitment that has been accumulated for several years.Check it out!