20-year-old rookie, Mikito Yamamura becomes a Pop Headwear rider

_N7K3948 Participated in a pipe camp held by Kohei Kudo's father in Hokkaido from the 5th grade of elementary school.Mikito Yamamura who acquired the skill in the blessed environment of sliding with top riders at a young age.
Actively participating in competitions and increasing opportunities for sponsorship contracts.In recent years, he has boldly challenged himself to express himself by shooting all-round not only in park ride, which he is good at, but also in the street and backcountry.

"I want to improve my skills to the extent that I can do anything at least, and I want to put out a style and convey the fun of snowboarding."
He left a comment.

mikuto Mikito Yamamura (MIKUTO YAMAMURA)
Born January 1997, 1, from Aichi prefecture, lives in Tokyo.

Results in recent years
2014 Meiho Big Air 2nd place
2014 Indie Park Jam 4th
2015 Ishiuchi Maruyama YONEX CUP 2nd place (slope style participation right acquisition)
2017 Kandatsu Slope G2 XNUMXnd place


Pop Headwear Official Instagram

Pop Headwear
Montreal, Quebec, on the east coast of Canada.Established the brand as a talented community team based in the local area.We will respect each other's existence, bring in flats if there are suggestions, and evaluate their opinions equally.A good and reliable business partner and companion.The result is that we have built up a lot of trust and achievements by continuing activities that make the best use of each characteristic.The brand logo, The Flour De Lys, is a symbol of Quebec and is used to give a clear idea of ​​where Pop Headwear was born.And 100% Homegrown is packed with a message that condenses the essence of our brand's existence.Beanies and neck warmers are produced at our local factory.From fabric selection to design and sewing work, 100% is done by designer Brian Finn, marketing Max River and founder Daniel Walfish, who are responsible for quality control and creating brand value.Made in Canada, the acrylic is of high quality and is extremely comfortable.It is also more durable than overseas products.The office and factory are a 3-minute walk away, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and eliminating shipping delays.Even in product management, the stance is like standing next to a machine, so you can go pick up what you have produced in the morning, check it during lunch break, and return it to the factory.

Japan team
Makiya Mizohata, Fumika Hoshino, Chihiro Wada, Shota Shimazaki, Maiko Matsuda, Takumi Yamamoto, Mikito Yamamura, Ai Kuniyuki

Native products