19-20 model Introducing a play board that plays around on the snow.Hayata Akakawa / ARCHITECT & ANYTHING Ayumi Kitahara / EVERYTHING Mimo Murai / ARCHITECT

From the 19-20 model head Snowboards, we will introduce boards that play with tricks and board handling on the snow.First of all, it is the model with the highest usage rate of head's classic freestyle board "ARCHITECT" slope styler and team rider.
Comments from two team riders
It is a standard model that you can enjoy playing with jumps and jibing.Hayata Akakawa explains in the video

Although it is a freestyle board, it has carving performance and can be played speedily!Mimo Murai commentary on the video



ANYTHING explains ANYTHING, who says that it is the best finish for trick boards from low speed to medium speed.Shows and explains great ground tricks

Ayumi Kitahara, who says that it is recommended for people who want to challenge tricks because it is easy to handle, explains EVERYTHING!

I want you to play the snowy mountains by making the best use of the characteristics of each board.Anyway, let's play and have fun.

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