
January 2011, 08 21:15


Jackson Strong

Finally, make-up at the tournament ...
MOTER SPORTS is evolving at a tremendous speed now.

How to express other than technique-even in the create part.
By incorporating a little bit of the old thing, the image, from a completely different genre
It looks very new, it causes a chemical reaction, and it becomes a different thing.

However, what is absolutely necessary there is "genuine jealousy".

If you don't mix the real thing, be brave.

MofM Director & Snowboarder: Moved from Tokyo to Minakami, Gunma, with the aim of creating new, realistic clothing that immediately reflects what you experienced in nature in your designs.Mountains, mountaineering, mountain stream fishing, snowboarding, fashion, and living in nature every day at an altitude of 1000m in Minakami to further improve myself.