Even though it's December, it looks like "spring season".

The white snow and the blue sky are forever ... It was a day like spring even though it was December.
This week is a continuous sunny day on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!There are places where the temperature rises and I'm worried about snow, but ...
It was a continuous blue sky every day, but I'm a little worried that the forecast for "rain" will come out from tomorrow night.
Whether it will rain or change to snow, this weekend as well, "Well! What will happen after this?" ...
[Snowboard test drive] YONEX Snowboard Reservation test drive!
Let's test drive this season's model YONEX snowboard!It is a "Reservation test drive event" that accepts requests in advance and prepares according to the desired time of the day so that you can surely try the model and size you care about.
December 2015th (Sat) and 12th (Sun), 12: 13:10 to 15:XNUMX 
* If you wish to test drive, please have your ID ready.

