February 11th diary

Hello.I'm now at the ATC Hall in Nanko, Osaka.

At the same JSBC event as last year

With Yukiko Kaneda, Keiko Yanagisawa, and Ai Hirano

The LTS booth is open.

Activities include Love The Snow and Save The Winter.

We use the sales of LTS T-shirts for global warming prevention activities.

Gifts of flowers to those who donated money

Selling products from each manufacturer

You can buy NIKITA at 20% off!

You can also meet FC and professional snowboarders.

The latest information on ski resorts is also packed with great deals!

FM802 also cooperates with JSBC.

Until 22:XNUMX today.

It will be open from 12:18 to XNUMX:XNUMX tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so please come and visit us!

The entrance fee is 500 yen.

Last year, 4 people came!