-XNUMX degrees

Recently, I couldn't update my blog because I couldn't connect to the internet at all. ↓ ↓

I'm sorry.

Right now, I'm coming to my coach's room and getting connected to the internet.

Recently, the condition of the mountains has been bad for the last XNUMX days and I haven't been able to slide properly.

Yesterday, the maximum temperature was -XNUMX degrees Celsius and the minimum temperature was -XNUMX degrees Celsius.

It was unbelievably cold.

When I got on the lift, I couldn't feel the toes of my feet anymore.

It was the worst ↓ ↓ ↓

But today was a different day and the weather was nice ☆

It was fun to slip straight after a long time ♪

From tomorrow, the US Grand Prix qualifying will finally begin.

I will do my best ↑↑↑

From the left of the photo, Rei, I, Ishi-chan, Kazu

Whenever I get off the mountain, lunch is almost a hamburger.

But on this day, everyone went off to eat Chinese food ☆

Chinese food was delicious after a long time ♪

Photo, Ishi-chan

Beer is good from noon (laughs)

Recently, when I finish slipping, I bring a lot of movies, so I'm watching movies ♪

Among them, the most ridiculous one was (the dog and my XNUMX promises) ☆

When I saw the movie, I cried so much that I never cried like this.

If you are buying a dog, you should definitely see it.

When I saw this movie, I thought that Korota and Reeves should be more important.