Confession over XNUMX years

Hello everyone.

It's time to open the Pandora's box inside me.

I want to be a new self and work hard toward new goals, so

I will tell you everything honestly for the first time.

Actually, this summer, I had an operation on the anterior cruciate ligament of my left knee.

I hurt my knee when I landed a jump in France and finally decided to have surgery.

But honestly, I was relieved.

It was so painful that I decided, "I'll definitely have surgery!"

In fact, seven years ago, I had no anterior cruciate ligament in my left knee.


Before becoming a professional, I had surgery on the anterior cruciate ligament of the right knee on the other side.

Overcoming the mentally and physically painful rehabilitation period,

As soon as I was able to become a professional and started to work,

This time, I was in a situation where I had to undergo surgery due to an injury to the anterior cruciate ligament of my left knee.

Sick. .. .. (> <)

As a result of careful consideration

I chose to continue snowboarding with muscle strengthening without reconstructive surgery.

At last, my dream of becoming a professional snowboarder came true.

I thought I wouldn't have any more time to spend on surgery.

With the feeling, "If there is no precedent, I will set a precedent!"

Train every day,

I tried everything that is said to be good for my knees.

Strengthening around the knees, daily muscle training and body usage,

How to absorb the impact of landing a jump on a snowboard.

I thought it would be a new precedent if I could keep slipping as a professional.

Because of that feeling

A CYBEX test is also conducted for sports trainers who have been seen for several years.

"The data do not show values ​​without the anterior cruciate ligament ..."

They said.

The doctor in charge is also medically on my knees, who continue to jump XNUMX meters without anterior cruciate ligaments and continue on the streets and backcountry.

He was interested.

Not limited to me

Because everyone is the most special person in the world

I think there are things that only that person can do in this world.

Just because other people can't do it doesn't mean that everyone can't.

If there is no precedent, you should be a leader.

Even in the ultimate state, by believing in yourself that you can do it, and not giving up

For the first time, I think that the talent that only that person can do will blossom.

I learned from my left knee that my way of thinking and feelings are the most important.

And I became stronger mentally.

I think the choice seven years ago and the choice for this surgery were correct.

But there's something I can do for the snowboarding industry while I can't slip

I will also focus on new activities.

Thank you.