The grass next door always looks blue.

Good morning!

This is Shinpei Asaga, the sun of Suginami.

The title this time is "The lawn next door always looks blue. 』\


9393123-Green-grass-field-background-Stock-Photo"The lawn next door is blue"

You all know what this means, right?

If you don't understand, please check the meaning with GOOGLE first and then read it.

Then to the main subject

I often go to drink locally, but there is a local shop

The uncle who came there six days a week told me.

"I have no time to retire."

"I drink XNUMX days a week from noon to night in my spare time."

I "U, U, U, Envy"

"I had a hard time when I was working, but now I'm free and hard."

I "I see ..."

Yes, I noticed at this time.

Human beings are creatures that are begging for nothing.

After all, human psychology makes the grass next door look blue.

"I think only that person is good."

"That person is sly with good treatment"

"Only that person, only that person, only that person, only that person."

"I'm working, but that person has a better salary."

I say clearly.

The time to think about this is nothing but waste.

Think calmly.

What do you know about that person?

I'm sure you only know about XNUMX% of what you see on the table.

Do you know everything from your wallet to your home environment and your private life?

That's right.

Again, only a small part of the others are noticeable.

Human beings are creatures whose eyes go there.

It's about time to come to a conclusion.

"It is important to live with confidence in your life. 』\

If you think only about others, your life will be neglected.

I am alive.

Just understanding this psychology and living will make your life 100 times more enjoyable.

I can assure you.

To take good care of your own axis

Improve all circulation

It will advance you to a bright future.

By the way, I have never envied people in XNUMX years.

I've never seen the best person ever!Lol

I'm the best!

Let's live happily today.


ps, I'm sure the source of Shinpei Asaga's strength is an extraordinary amount of self-love.