Nagano meeting-Iron Crow

I went to Nagano for another FC video meeting.

I'm doing my best to play table tennis, which is very popular in Poser's, but tonight after the meeting, I finally went to Iron Crow!

Iron Crow is a park item manufacturer and has a close relationship with FC, but the company has paid skate lamps.

Two people board with Casshan (self-proclaimed Teke Teke).

For some reason, the first shot caused a streak in my back, which caused a lot of pain, but I did my best.

Casshan had his own deck and was just messing around, and of course he was better than me the second time.

I'm happy because I was able to do another trick (I don't know the name of the technique).

I wanted more stability and the muscles of skating because my legs started to pull and pull immediately.

I'm on my way home now.Can you go home safely?

The photo is blurry, but Kathy is riding.