Confront climate change from a slippery stance.Recruitment of environmental group "POW JAPAN" staff!

Protect Our Winters is an environmental organization that "confronts climate change from a slippery stance" launched in the United States by professional snowboarder Jeremy Jones in 2007.Beginning with snowboarders / skiers who were concerned about the lack of snow and the shortening of winter, the movement has now expanded beyond winter sports to outdoor sports in 14 countries around the world. There is a branch in.
In Japan, POW JAPAN was established in 2019 based in Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture, and is currently working with snowboarders, skiers, ski resorts, and companies and local governments involved in outdoor sports, centered on the five secretariats.

This POW JAPAN is looking for new colleagues to work in charge of the company.Detail isAdmission Information.

The article below introduces the working styles, lifestyles, and values ​​of POW JAPAN staff.Please refer to this as well.

"Snow" is indispensable as a snowboarder.How should we deal with climate change, which is currently facing various problems?

Currently, it seems that the five secretariat members are taking various steps toward the vision of realizing a carbon-free society originating from the snow community.

We will work as a member to support such an important mission.
Why don't you take this opportunity to think about it?


Living in a rural area,
Work for an environmental group.

I talked about the working styles, lifestyles, and values ​​of the members of the POW JAPAN Secretariat.Imagine "working at a POW" and "working at an environmental organization" that are difficult to imagine from the application guidelines.

Aiming for an ideal balance between affluent life, play in the field, and work