Semi-hammer shape "FC" _OGASAKA SNOWBOARDS to experience the world of cutting-edge carving

In the semi-hammer shape
A model that emphasizes ease of riding

PRICE: ¥ 84,000 (tax excluded) ¥ 92,400 (tax included)

As a freestyle board specializing in FC = Full Carve and carving performance, it is the longest model in the lineup since 1997 and is still evolving.The shape and structure created for sharp carving with a firm edge has always been a leader in the current carving scene.The high potential that is favored by active demonstrator is attractive, but by making it a semi-hammer head shape instead of a perfect hammer head while keeping a sufficient effective edge, there is also freedom of freestyle and enjoy carving. It is also easy to ride on.Compared to the round head, the edge grip and the stability of the turn at high speed are outstanding.If you've been playing with freestyle boards until now, but have recently enjoyed carving, this is a board you should definitely try.The fun of new carving will surely expand.

Excellent edge grip and turn stability with a slightly longer effective edge that makes use of the hammer head shape in the camber shape.Semi-hammer-shaped tip, which is the biggest feature of FC.By taking a longer effective edge, the sense of stability in edge grip and carving is enhanced.
PC PLATE TYPE-S that enhances operability is built in at your feet
It seems difficult to say that it is a semi-hammer, but it is easy to ride even in the intermediate level.

> Pre-emptive gear special feature
>The strongest twin-tip "CT-TWIN" that brings together the collective strengths of OGASAKA, which specializes in bidirectional carving, gratri, and jumping.
>Recommended for beginners!The definitive all-round board "TF" that you can play freely
>CT if you get lost!All-round board "CT" for carving that boasts overwhelming performance and reliability

Click here for information on the latest lineup of OGASAKA SNOWBOARDS