Impressed !!!

As expected, it's a Bon holiday.
Many people visit Hakuba and it is crowded.
Many people have experienced Hakuba EX Adventure since it opened,
There are many people who are challenged by parents and children.
First graders will do their best to try.
Our staff said, "I can't go any further!"
The more noisy the child is at the reception, the quieter it will be when you start (> _ <)

Meanwhile, parents and children were very impressed.
The child is probably a first grader with a very small body.Dad goes around himself for the first lap,
I went around with my child on the second lap.
As expected, the height of nearly 10m is a great fear for children.
After passing 2 elements, I started crying because I was scared.
I thought it was time to prepare for rescue, but I started to move.
Dad runs backwards in the element, returns to the child, and of the little child
Instead of taking your hands, taking your feet, but helping them all
It is just an aid and supports children so that they can try it voluntarily.
It took a while, but when I cleared the last element,
I was moved and my heart became hot.
The relationship of trust between parents and children, and the appearance of a father who believes in and watches over his children.
A child who believes in it and tries while crying.
It was a moment when I felt the wonderfulness of adventure education.

I really want parents and children to experience it as a family!

* The third photo is the last element.About 3m by pulley on the wire like Tarzan
I will slip.It is a powerful aerial walk.