Local & wakelip's

The day before yesterday went to wakelip's

Various things

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Tanaka-and skating atsushi- 

It was really fun 

The udon noodles at the convenience store after skating were really good! It's worth 120 yen for 300 yen.

Kurooka ice cream that I always go to when I come back to Miyazu

This is delicious again

It was cold when I ate two because I came all the way

So, do you always go here as well?Teahouse

Isono Kaikado

I've never bought tea, though.

It's delicious


This person was a snowboarder who took me to various places in the past and taught me various things.Very nice person

Let's drink Japanese tea 

So skating in Miyazu

There are very few people from the local area.I mean, there are no people during the daytime on weekdays.

People who have finished work or high school students come from the evening, but it feels like a few people.

It seems that there was a tournament in the summer.It seems that various famous professional skaters are coming and trying to get excited.Good thing.If there is a skate shop in Miyazu, will more children skate?It's strange that there is no shop even though there is a skate park.There is a ski resort but no snowboard shop.Maybe it's because the town is small, but I'll do my best.I want to do something.

There is Amanohashidate in Miyazu, but do you know Amanohashidate?

It ’s nice and clean, but

It says "Amanohashidate is a World Heritage Site" in various places in the town.
I don't know how much a World Heritage Site is, but Amanohashidate is a World Heritage Site.
I think it's more natural and has more presence.I don't think I'm aware of it from my hometown, but I think I know it from my hometown.

I don't know what to say
I wonder if the method is different.

Instead of trying hard to get excited, just create a place where you can get excited before that.
If you come here, you'll be very calm.I want to come again.Let's come again.Like

Maybe I'm doing my best, but it doesn't make sense just to do my best.Let's make it into a shape

More nature Nature Nature!It feels good

It must have been more natural in the past and better than it is now.

It doesn't mean that Amanohashidate is bad now.

And congratulations on your marriage! !! !! !!

Keiji Okamoto & Junko

I'm going to play with tea again