If you go to get an international driver's license

I was rejected after a minute or two after the reception time. I went from Osaka to Kyoto for an hour. I went there just for this.

I used to complain to my friends about it.

Gradually, I started to sympathize with that receptionist.

That person may be a really good person, but is that company creating that person now? Government office? It seems that that person has been created from a job without a smile. When

That person may really want to do it, but he can only say "No" or "I can't".

It has nothing to do with sales, the company has collapsed, and it doesn't matter if the customer's smile is lost. On the contrary, there is no point in making a smile by being kind to the customer.

I do what I want to do, earn some money, and manage to live freely

Meet various people, experience various things, talk about various things
Going abroad and coming into contact with various cultures and environments
Thanks to the support of various people, I am living a fairly deep life.

I live surrounded by many smiles

As much as I make an effort, I will return to myself properly
From time to time, I try to make an effort and I can grow

Life is only once

I finally understood the meaning of the word

Thank you for doing what you want to do


I don't really understand the story. That's right.