Power received from people


Wow! ??I haven't updated my blog at all, I feel like it's dangerous, and I'm writing it.

In life

Do you feel that someone's presence makes you feel stronger?

After I got injured

It has become difficult for me to do the same movements as I did in the past that remain in my brain.

With that as an excuse, I stopped riding the skateboard I've loved since I was a kid.

Invited by a friend, I tried the unstable vehicle for the first time in a few years

Sometimes I just felt anxiety and fear, but there is a good chance that I will feel regret and sadness.

Oh, can't I do this?And

Thinking that my weak self is such a boring thing

It also discourages you.

At that time, friends, juniors, kids, and friends who slide together

Sometimes my heart, which usually tends to go down, is transformed into a feeling for me to slide positively.

It erases boring negative emotions.

Thank you.

Thanks guys.369B7333-2DF1-4CA8-A59C-69989804866FI'm fine.

Sponsor : NEVER SUMMER / DC / Burton / GIRO / LEVEL / DOMINATOR WAX / FULLON / Powcantsystem / Crystalcoating / Green tune-up / phytogram / Macearth / Seki Onsen Ski Resort / Akakura Kanko Ski Resort / LIKE skateboard / RIDE FOR A SMILE