
Mac editing skills are getting pretty messy.

Speaking of pipes, I can now drill.

Ah, I could only drill the actual pipe (until May), but there is a person who recently appeared to me as a master and gave me a weapon called an air turn.

Mizonokuchi staff introduction The third person, Aiba-san.The pose in the photo seems to be a fixed pose.

She is also a qualified instructor and often takes lessons.

If you see it, please give it a try.

Did you tell her?With pipe skills, I will leave footage as a pipe rider in the future.

And the tournament during the season
I'll take revenge on all the humans who made fun of my pipe run that I challenged without running away! !!
Specifically, I'll take my heart out of the venue with my strongest trick, FS360 Indie! !!

You're all set for that! !!

Wait, next season! !!