Last pond flat

Ikenodaira ended last weekend.
Was done.
Big kicker session!

A 20 meter canyon kicker.Can you see Keiji Okamoto standing on the lip in the photo?

It's pretty big.

However, the kicker itself was easy to fly and I was able to perform various techniques! It was fun!

However, it's a pity that the slopes are still closed even though they seem to be able to do it.

By the way, on the slopes, the amount of snow is of course important, but sales must have personnel.

On the slopes of Nagano, it seems that employees' uncle and others have to return to their farming work in the spring.

So it seems that you can't extend the business day suddenly even if it snows suddenly!

So I can think of it again next year!
Thank you, Ikenodaira! I look forward to another great slope next year!
〓Choco Vanilla Ball Arai〓