Madarao Plateau Ski Resort (Madarao)

At Madarao Kogen Ski Resort in Nagano Prefecture

Air Wave Session

Guest riders slide one by one on the powder course,

Powder course open this season

An event to commemorate (I think)
Participated in the

Is it the third time this year?

I like Madarao and sometimes come to slip, and recently patrol Mr. Kitamura has taken the lead.

An attempt to thin out a place that is said to be off course to make it slippery and make it slippery (?)

You can slide the powder very comfortably because you are doing it.

Of course, be careful not to skip too much.Nobody wants to get hurt.

I also flew too much mash and was able to do it flat.

Between clouds

This is an inversion!

I was talking with Mr. Goro, who I experienced together in Canada.

The inversion is the opposite of normal, where the bottom of the cloud is cold and the top of the cloud is warm.

I think it was, but ...

Human cover. .. ..

From the left

XNUMXs K-ta Yamazaki

Teen Daiki Hara

XNUMXs! Naoyuki Watanabe

Hey Goro, wake up, YOU ARE the Red-Bull, now.!

“A Red-bull into the bush yard Air” by Goro Komatsu


HIDEVA (Outflow)

And in my XNUMXs!

Yuu Nishiyama (Outflow, Green)

find some snow stashes

That will soon be shut down.

Kashiwazaki nuclear power plant

Space and the Sea of ​​Japan.Sado Island on the right.