Became a special supporter of the Blind Soccer World Cup ㊗️✨⚽️💫

I have been appointed as a special supporter of blind soccer.


(Second from the left)


Do you know blind soccer? ❓

It was devised so that visually impaired players can play in 5-person soccer for the visually impaired.

It is a soccer game where you play by judging the position of the ball while listening to the sound of the bell inside the soccer ball.


Even if you can see, sports are a battle against yourself, but even if you have a visual impairment, you can just watch the disabled and the able-bodied people to see how they do their best.
You will get a lot of courage and good sensibility to live!


"Even if there are more reasons than usual
Keep looking only at the reasons you can, believe in yourself and push forward. "

I sincerely support the players with great humanity!

I'm already impressed and full of heart even before watching the game, just thinking about the spiritual strength, the sports, the wonderful feelings of the players who are trying to complete their lives, and the cool way of life even though they have a handicap ... 😂

The World Cup held at Shinagawa Tennozu Park from March 2020th to 3st, 16, many games and support will help the players, so please support us ❗️


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