An interview was published in a German magazine! Part 2

It's written in German so I can't read it, but lol,
I think it's about the Japanese girls snowboarding that we three talked to.

This photo is Izumi Amaike transferring the GAP jump of Miss Super Park.

There were some riders who could manage to fly GAP jumps, but I think that the girls who transfer them further can be counted with one hand in the world!

As expected, Izumi-chan!

We said that the Japanese girls snowboarding industry is more about cuteness than technology.
But even if cuteness is the top of the emphasis on appearance,
He said he didn't think he was able to contribute to the snowboarding industry as an athlete.

Recently, girls are paving the way for new ways in the backcountry of nature, such as Brighta Brita.
I also talked about the fact that the genre I am aiming for has become wider.

When asked by Spare's editor, Anke, "Japanese people like Kitty, so why don't you put on Kitty's poncho and increase the number of slippery children?", I said, "That's not Snoopy. If so, I wonder if it's okay to put it on ... ".

I was actually a hidden Snoopy fan. .. ..Lol

The picture above is a picture of my jump at snowpark in New Zealand.

The lower left is Izumi-chan's ledge street rail.

In the lower right is a picture of the backcountry of Hokkaido, which I got a VIP from my Snow girl.

The photo above is Ai-chan.

The photo below is Izumi-chan.

It is one of my dreams to appear in overseas magazines.
I would like to take this opportunity to do my best so that people from overseas can get to know me more and more.

Thank you for your support ☆