Team Dynaland! !! !!

Hello everyone.
I'm Yoshiyo Matsui, an installer rider.

We are pleased to announce the recruitment of members of Team Dynaland, where I will be the coach.

We are recruiting Team Dynaland members for the 2010-2011 season from October XNUMXst.
This team is in Dynaland, aiming to improve, enjoy snowboarding, and spend the season with friends.And I want to be a team that slides together, thinks together, and laughs constantly, both when it's fun and when it's hard!By all means, those who love snowboarding!Please join us!

Let's enjoy training together with Team Dyna.

● Team Dyna Racing
A large group of people aiming to improve their gate riding!

● Team Dyna Technical
A large gathering of people aiming for splendid free riding!

Yoshiyo Matsui
Seiko Kokita
Koji Sugimoto
Katsuhito Goto
Hideaki Nishihara
Naozumi Nakano
Koan Shimakura

Please see the Team Dynaland website for details.