Jeff Jeff Fulton Birthday Party @ 9th Lift

Baker has a village, pretending to be up to the 8th lift, and Glacier has the 9th lift, (Chair 9), the last lift and bar to ride.I thought it wasn't the first time I came, but it's also a miracle bar where I met my friends from Japan.

So, after having a birthday party for Jeff Fulton, the man who started the 31-year-old Banked Slalom, Craig had a salmon dinner in Alaska in the summer, the 9th. Headed for the lift.

So, suddenly, Shin to a stubborn person!When I thought I was told, it was a person named Mike of Flow.So I greeted TexDevenport and Steve Grahams, the legendary legends. ..It is a maniac story that the snowboarders who pioneered Alaska, such as Moriichi Hirayama, often slipped in Japan.

What's more, I happened to slip with Scotty Whit Lake during the daytime on this day, and it went up quite a bit. 


CraigNewburn Nikui man who changes the seasoning one by one Baker local of the top regular in Banked Slalom

 New Snow Skater? !!discover!

It has some amazing mecha, but it's quite slippery!great!Keen is a side hit or a bang bang without a high back