Image of pumping and powder with surf & skating / Hayata Akakawa

This season when it gets chilly and you can think of the snowy mountains.What are the riders thinking about when they spend their time?I asked Hayata Akakawa.

— I think the influence of Corona has changed the way you spend your time and your way of thinking after the end of the season.Please let me know if you feel that something has changed.
Akakawa: Since the season was out early, the way of thinking in the off-season changed, and I am actively skateboarding.Not every day, but I'm skateboarding and surfing.It doesn't improve at all, but it's fun to be able to feel the sideways glue just by riding.Also, surf skating can be imagined as pumping.I think it's similar to the movement that imagines powder.

-Are there any things you think "it's important to think about this and prepare in this way" for the winter season, or do you do it yourself?
Akakawa: What I'm doing before winter is gliding at the brush facility.I think it's the best because the feeling is the same.However, if you can't do that, it is recommended that you wear it on a carpet and press it to familiarize yourself with the boots, especially when a new model arrives.

—When will the 20-21 season start?
Akakawa: Season in is scheduled to start in Tohoku! I think it will be around December.

— What kind of movement do you want to do this winter?
Akakawa: In the season, I want to convey information about the slopes and my skiing so that many people can enjoy snowboarding.I will do my best to play the season!I want to give you a good powder.

[Gear used]
■ Binding / [HEAD]NX SIX

[Profile] Junta Akagawa / Born January 1989, 1 in Akita Prefecture. ■ Height / 24cm ■ Stance / 169cm ■ Angle / Front 53 degrees, Back -15 degrees ■ Home Mountain / Tazawako Ski Resort, Geto Kogen Ski Resort ■ Favorite riding style / jump, powder, carving