I like alpine boards! Let's enjoy alpine more !!

Hakuba Iwatake Snowboard School has started Alpine style lessons.

This lesson is a lesson program to enjoy Alpine more.
The sharpness and G of the carving turn unique to hard boots and alpine boards, this
Take lessons and experience more and have fun.
Each time, we will develop lessons according to the theme with a small group of 1 people per group.
The coaches are Hakuba Iwatake Snowboard School Principal Hiroshi Nakao, Vice Principal Hiroyuki Shimizu, Why
We will focus on Tomonkees head coach and Saori Masuchi.
Let's enjoy together on the wide slopes on weekdays.
We look forward to the participation of many alpine riders.

☆ Target: You can make continuous turns on the middle slope with Alpine Material
☆ Date
・ 2nd (Fri): Middle rhythm ~ Long rhythm
・ 5th (Mon): Enjoy with a longboard
・ 12th (Mon): Short rhythm ~ Middle rhythm
・ 16th (Fri): Enjoy with a longboard
・ 19th (Mon): Middle rhythm ~ Long rhythm
・ 26th (Mon): Short rhythm ~ Middle rhythm
・ 2nd (Fri): Middle rhythm ~ Long rhythm
・ 5th (Mon): Enjoy with a longboard
・ 16th (Fri): Short rhythm ~ Middle rhythm
・ 19th (Mon): Enjoy with a longboard
・ 23nd (Fri): Middle rhythm ~ Long rhythm
・ 26th (Mon): Short rhythm ~ Middle rhythm

☆ Time: 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
☆ Price: 5,250 yen
☆ How to apply: Reservation required To Hakuba Iwatake Snowboard School
 Please contact us by email (possible from HP) or by phone.
The deadline will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached.
URL http://home1.netpalace.jp/iwatake/
TEL 0261-72-4885