What if I could ride with the nose and tail turned around?


011 Original asymmetric core
What if you could ride a camber board with an asymmetrical structure and core material with the nose and tail turned around?Which would you like to ride?
The SWITCH introduced here is equipped with the latest technology of 011 and can change the direction of the nose and tail (BLACK or WHITE NOSE) depending on the mood and trick of the day.Depending on the direction of the setting, it assists the rotation and carving of the nory spin, and the depth of the turn can be changed depending on the setting.This is the industry's first idea and is sure to inspire your play.

SIZE: 148.5, 150, 151, 152, 154
PRICE: ¥ 87,000

switch structure

011 Riders YUZO and HIDE will also introduce videos of BLACK NOSE and WHITE NOSE riding in different settings, so check them out as well!


YUZO'S voice
"By setting the heel side firmly, I can improve the hold on the edge of the heel turn. SWITCH can be played by switching the nose and tail depending on the snow condition of the day. "


HIDE'S voice
"Since the hardness is different between heel and toe, I use the hard side when hitting high rpm, and on the contrary, I use the soft side when doing mellow glue system. SWITCH is a board that supports from soft movements to sharp movements, and you can enjoy two types of riding with one piece. "

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