Jib & Gratley Board, Zhong Kui, etc., which boasts supple movement

Zhong Kui, which has a soft flex and low camber structure, is positioned as a board specializing in gratri and jib among the snowboards and the like.Of particular note is the use of TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) for the sidewalls.It is so flexible that you can easily leave nail marks by simply pressing the sidewall with your nails.Hard material sidewalls can get in the way of a series of movements, such as when playing a fast-paced combo with Gratley.But with TPU sidewalls, that can't happen.In addition to its flexibility, it also has excellent impact absorption and vibration absorption, so the board itself is not easily broken.That's why it's especially recommended for those who want supple movements with gratri and jib, and those who repeat hard stomps.

True sky snow board, etc.
Zhong Kui
Size: 150, 152cm
Price: ¥ 63,800

By adopting a low camber structure ...
The entire board has a camber structure, but its camber value is set low.Thanks to its low camber, the board is easy to bend even with a little force and the operability is very good.It is a structure that has both quick movement and delicate operability that are indispensable for gratri and jib.

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The brand page such as Makoto Snowboard is here.

Makoto Snowboard, etc. Next term 22/23 Digital Catalog